LEGO komt tot leven!


Wow, over inspirerende projecten gesproken…

Morgan Spence uit Schotland (een tiener) brengt beroemde filmscènes tot leven met LEGO. Door al zijn bouwwerken te fotograferen en met behulp van stop motion in een filmpje te gieten speelt hij beroemde scenes na. Klassiekers als Pulp fiction, Dirty Dancing, The Wizard of Oz en Breakfast at Tiffanys komen voorbij. Het blijft fascinerend hoe simpele blokjes de creativiteit van mensen over de hele wereld blijft prikkelen.

Ook bezochten we laatst de tentoonstelling ‘The art of the Brick,’ waarbij de kunstenaar Nathan Sawaya levensgrote LEGO-kunstwerken heeft gemaakt. Absoluut hoogtepunt is het zes meter lange T-Rex skelet van 80.020 (!) steentjes. Daarnaast vonden wij de simulatie van glas-in-lood erg indrukwekkend. Maar ook bekende kunstwerken van Da Vinci, Vermeer en Rembrandt zijn te bewonderen, alles gemaakt van LEGO.


Dat was echter niet eens het meest inspirerende van de tentoonstelling. Je merkt dat Nathan Sawaya, die zich nota bene liet scholen tot advocaat, echt gekozen heeft zijn hart te volgen. Zijn tentoonstelling ademt zijn kijk op het leven, met quotes als “Pas op voor de stromen van het leven die onze individualiteit aantasten. Blijf sterk!” en “Durf tegen de stroom in te zwemmen. Volg je eigen weg. Vind je innerlijke moed.” Uit de kinder-audio-tour blijkt dat hij een talent heeft dergelijke dingen op een sprekende manier aan kinderen uit te leggen. Door deze expo krijgt LEGO voor kinderen ineens een nieuwe dimensie en ontstijgen zij het met-blokken-bouwen. Hij stimuleert vooral het ontwikkelen en uiten van je eigen creativiteit. Of zoals hij zelf omschrijft:

“Create what you see. Create what you feel. Create what you have never seen.”



Join us in our mission: invent & teach the future with children


The people already invited to our recently created Linkedin Group, have been supporting Dromenkroon in it’s goal for a longer time.

The last couple of months we have devoted ourselves in re-inventing our company. Currently we are becoming the company in Holland to invent the future with children.

Screen shot 2014-11-11 at 8.35.54 AMAs we cover the Dutch market mainly, we have started a blog about inspiring future developments and technology, and have updated our website in Dutch. See our latest updates at

Right now we don’t have any international members to the group yet, but of course we have the ambition to share our knowledge and experience internationally! (so hence the post in English). We will still do most of our ground-work on a local level though.

Our activities will focus on:

  • hosting projects en giving workshops inventing the future with children (inside and outside of schools)
  • sharing knowledge and experience in sessions, publications and online
  • innovation research and co-creation for organisation and companies
  • working with schools to see how we can incorporate all this to improve education
  • hopefully in the future: a collaboration and invention space!
  • and our ambitions is also: provide our own products to help educators and parents to more easily engage their children in invention and topics concerning the future

Three main questions we will always focus on, while working with kids:

  1. What do I want to achieve in the future?
  2. What is happening in the world around me and what does that mean to me?
  3. What do I want to contribute to the world, to make it a more interesting or better place?

We specifically target at children ages 8-14, because we believe they need to be in touch with the future and invention at early stages. To keep their minds open and tap into their fantasy and creativity!


We hope you will actively join our mission, because it won’t be a walk in the park. But as you might know, we are dedicated. However we reach our goal, we will do so.

So for everyone that has joined the group: we thank you for believing and supporting us! We cannot do this without making it our common goal.

Have you not yet joined the group? Feel free to apply.

Some more about joining the group:

As members we strive to help children (and people and organisations around them) to be aware of developments and take ownership of shaping their own future. The people in this group help each other in reaching this goal.

All members either contribute:
— time: join knowledge sessions or volunteer at workshops or events
— materials: for example – send us your old laptops or phones, redundant art-supplies, recycled materials to prototype, your old lego or knex supplies, etc
— knowledge: join us in discussions through this group, share tips about current and future developments or help out to better found our plans and concepts
— network: enhance our network by sharing tips and connections to make sure our goal is reached and new initiatives can grow

By doing this you support (ours or other!) projects, events and workshops. We thank you for your contributions in advance. And hope to see you soon.